One Thing That Is Being Marketed And Sold These Days….Fear

Nisar Fatima
4 min readJul 14, 2020


This coronavirus pandemic has created a lot of chaos in the entire world. People have gone blank, wondering where their life is being headed. There is fear all around.

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First time ever, months-long lockdowns world over. People are forced to live indoors. Offices and big businesses are closed. Employees are being fired from their jobs.

Adding up to all the uncertainties, insecurities through which all are going through, a lot is being thrown at people in the form of news and information.

There is a bombardment of negative news all over. All the time you get to hear only one thing and that is the number of people dead. How coronavirus is sabotaging the lives and livelihoods of the people.

"Bad news sells because the amygdala is looking for something to fear.”

-Peter Diamandis

Few people are encashing on this coronavirus pandemic opportunity. They are blowing things out of proportion. Is it because they love doing it or they get incentives for it?

Most of the people I know have stopped watching the news. They have completely cut themselves from any kind of news because it was giving them nightmares.

Of course, we are going through one of the worst times in human history. We have to be aware and take care of personal hygiene and do all that is needed to safeguard ourselves and our loved ones from the virus.

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Creating awareness of the virus is important and the consequences we would face if we do not abide by the precautionary methods. But also at the same time, one should not use it for creating panic among the people.

Domestic violence has increased, people do not have money for their daily expenses. Depression has become friends with most of the people. People are committing suicides. Once in a few days, we get to hear some celebrity committing suicide. What about the common people? No one knows about them.

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People are being denied entry into few hospitals, for the treatment of corona. A few days back, a young person passed away because he was not given ventilator support. After his last rites, his father saw the video message in which the deceased was heard saying, “daddy am unable to breathe and the staff is not providing me with the facility, bye daddy.”

How painful is life sometimes, we cannot put it in words. In many cases, people are unable to see their loved ones one last time.

People are being overcharged for the treatment of COVID 19 at private hospitals. The common people could not even dream of getting treated at private hospitals because of the big bills.

There were instances where the people were hurling stones at medical staff and the doctors, out of fear. People are not visiting hospitals for their routine checkups as well. Because the news that is doing the rounds is, whoever is visiting the hospital is getting infected with the virus.

Many people at few places are closing their well-established businesses, for the fear of coronavirus. People I know are telling that, there are locks on the houses…why? People have migrated to some other places…where? Maybe to their hometowns, out of fear.

Image credit:pixabay

The need of the hour is, giving people confidence. Making them understand that everything will fall in place, there is no need to panic. Though it would take quite a long time, we do not have an option. More than anything else fear is robbing the peace of mind, of the people.

The news which I went through yesterday was disturbing, as per the MIT research, India might detect approximately 2.87 lakh COVID cases per day in early 2021.WHO has also said that the worst is yet to come. Every few days, we get to hear something new about the virus from scientists and WHO. Time will tell us what would be the future, one cannot predict it exactly.

There is a hell lot of fear around us. Fear of loss of life, fear of financial instability, already shaky economy, uncertainty. We humans have become a victim of one virus.

A lot of negative energy in the surroundings and we are passing on the same to the universe. As we all know bad things thrive in a negative atmosphere.

Image credit:Unsplash

Now is the time for the entire humanity to get united and fight with this deadly virus. Empathy and the feeling of brotherhood are our tools to fight this unseen enemy. Not misusing the power of social media to create panic but to spread the love and awareness for fellow beings.

Everything that starts will end someday. This pandemic too shall end and coronavirus will rest in peace. Till then take care and give others moral support.





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