Remarkable Solution To All Your Problems

Nisar Fatima
7 min readJul 4, 2020


Isn’t it great!....if someone tells you I have a solution to your problem. Your anxiety and stress level comes down. It feels so relaxing. Am I right?

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What if I tell you there exist a magic wand that would help you in your journey of life? The solution to all your problems. Any problem you encounter that magic wand would fetch you a perfect solution. And also a guiding force, that would guide you.

Do you want to know what that magic wand is? Do you also want to know about the guiding force?

Here you go, your mind is your magic wand. There is no comparison to it. Your guiding forces are your heart and soul. But there is a twist, you have to condition your mind and nurture your heart and soul.

“The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."

-Robin Sharma

How to condition your mind:

I will start it with a small incidence, so you can understand it easily. This was the time when I was in 6th standard. During the examinations, I used to set the alarm at 5 am to revise the important lessons.

As usual, I used to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. Then my father would rescue me, by waking me up. This was the routine in my life. Never woke up to an alarm and always hit the snooze button.

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One day while I was about to sleep, keeping the timepiece beside my bed. My mother laughed out loud and told me, it’s of no use. She then told me, "Do as I say, lie down on the bed and tell your pillow, pillow-pillow wake me up at 5 am in the morning."

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In the morning, I was astounded, without an alarm, or without anyone waking me up, I was up at exactly 5 am. Not having the urge to go back to sleep. I thought my mother knew magic and those were some magical words.

Instead of an alarm clock, I used those magical words to wake me up. And it never failed me. I kept it as a secret for years. Until one day, I listened to one of the very famous speakers. It is our subconscious mind that does miracles. When we sleep during the night, the subconscious mind is awake. It’s awake 24 hours.

This is my years of experience. I have told this to people who worked with me and also those associated. Those who have followed it reaped the wealth.

First Step:

Practice all these four points below, until they become your habit.

1. Delete all those contacts who pull you down, or criticize you in whatever you do. Don’t hesitate. Avoid negative self-talk.

2. You are unique. If you compare yourself with others, then you are insulting yourself and doubting the creation of God. Be you, and nothing is as beautiful as that.

3. Don’t let fear hold you back in your life. Fear is a trick played by your mind, no it’s not wrong. It just wants to safeguard you, because your mind is trained that way.

4. The attitude of gratitude is the best thing ever. You will be surprised at how good things start multiplying.

As you have cleared the clutter from your life now. Let’s focus on mind, the magic wand. It’s divided into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

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The conscious mind is a rational thinking mind. Whereas the subconscious mind is programmed for emotions, daily habits, well-being and previous incidents of our life(mostly the painful ones).

The processing speed of both is also different. According to Dr.Bruce Lipton the subconscious mind, in processing the information is over a million times more powerful than the conscious mind. The conscious mind only operates information at best about five per cent of the day and rest ninety-five per cent or sometimes ninety-nine per cent of our life is managed and run by the subconscious mind.

So, now you know that the subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind. It is also programmed. Do you know who has programmed your subconscious mind? Wait, let me ask you a few questions.

1. Who told you earning big money is very tough?

2. Who told you success is very difficult to achieve?

3. Where did you learn from, being fair is beautiful?

4. Who asked you to not mingle or make friends with certain people, because it would lower your standards?

5. Who told you not to fall in love, because it hurts?

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Most probably, your parents and elders have programmed your subconscious mind. They have done it from their past experiences, and you are leading your life as per their belief.

We have been programmed negatively since childhood. Do you know that a child when born can swim? It comes out of the birth canal swimming. That means we are born with the ability to swim. If that is the case, then why do we have to learn swimming?

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Because since childhood we are taught what we can do and what we could not. Wait, please don’t go now and jump into the swimming pool, to see if you can swim. First, reprogram your subconscious mind.

Stop struggling, now is the time to reprogram your subconscious mind. Start living your life your way.

Second Step:

How to reprogram your subconscious mind

1. Start making positive affirmations, your subconscious mind stores what you tell repeatedly.

2. Make it a habit of writing things on paper, rather than telling verbally, as the impact of writing is more.

3. Always remember, do not write or tell yourself what you don’t want to be. Rather than that tell yourself or write what you want to be.

4. Fill it with lots of love and care.

5. Boycott all the negative things you have been telling to yourself.

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If I say in one simple sentence, replace all the old negative things with the positive stuff and what you want to be in your life.

I know it’s not easy to make a change. Old habits don’t die easily but it’s worth giving it a try. After all, who doesn’t want to lead a satisfying, successful, healthy, and prosperous life? Who doesn’t want to come out of their problems?

Once you start practising these habits, you start feeling the change in all spheres of your life. You start getting solutions to your problems.

Now how will you know, the solution you are getting, the decisions you are taking accordingly will favour you.? You need guidance for this. The answer to this is, your heart and soul.

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Third Step:

How to nurture your heart and soul

1.Love yourself and take care of yourself.

2. Surround yourself with your loved ones.

3. Do something creative.

4.Practice meditation.

5. Be kind and empathetic to the people around you.

6. Read your holy scriptures and pray, in a way you are comfortable with.

7.Sit over a cup of coffee with your beloved and have face to face conversation.

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Heart and soul guide you intuitively. Whenever you make a decision and try to put it into practice and take the first step.

If it’s good for you, you feel happy and relaxed. If it’s not then you feel uncomfortable and restless. They have been guiding me for years.

Now you will not hesitate to face your problems, as your subconscious mind would give you a solution. And your heart and soul will guide you for a fulfilling life.

What are you waiting for now? Your dream life is waiting for you. Go and accomplish the things you have been longing for.

My Rule Of Thumb which I have been following, "MHS Conditioning and Nurturing" (MHS stands for mind, heart and soul)

I wish you a life of abundance.



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