What If Everyone Starts Speaking The Truth

Nisar Fatima
3 min readJun 16, 2020


We hear people often say, do not lie. And even we tell people that, I don’t like people who lie. Please speak the truth.

But how often do you speak the truth? Don’t you lie sometimes? When was the last time you lied to someone and why?

Let me tell you, about myself. How I feel when I don’t speak the truth. My heartbeat increases and I feel restless. All these years I am going through this, because of which I also faced a lot of difficult things. I am literally scared of speaking lies.

Actually, I studied in a convent school and moral science was one of the subjects. We were taught that speaking lie was a sin. We have to be truthful always. That picture of two girls is still imprinted in my mind, one with a black heart(who lies) and the other with a white heart(who never lies).

Do you remember a cartoon from your childhood days? Pinocchio, his nose used to grow for each lie. Every time he lied, his nose grew. How about if that was the case with us all?

But, always being truthful will get you in situations that aren’t good enough. Sometimes telling a white lie helps. I do it a couple of times, to boost the morale of my colleagues. When I find them struggling to achieve their targets…. I tell them, early in the morning as soon as they walk into the office…. “you look awesome today.”And this has worked out for good.

Just imagine when you tell your boss that, he is very arrogant. You do like him to be your boss. What would happen? Simple, you would lose your job. Now just think of the consequences of losing a job.

When you tell your parents, that you do not like them nagging always. You find it very irritating most of the time. It would hurt them badly, which I hope you do not like to do.

What would happen when you tell your wife or girlfriend that, she doesn’t look good in a particular dress? Or you do not like her checking on you or calling you to find out where you are each time.

But, here am not asking you to keep your feelings to yourself and be fake. Neither am asking you to be rude. You can always tell the truth if it helps the other person to become a better person, or if it helps to build a strong relationship. You frame the question in a way, that is not offensive or hurtful.

We also tell a lie, to save ourselves from punishment. We learnt it when we were kids. “I haven’t broken the toy”, to avoid a slap or a scary look from our parents or elders. Gradually as we grew up, our habit of telling lies also grew.

I prefer to speak the truth, it makes you feel lighter. If I have to lie to someone, obviously it will be a white lie. If ever, I have to lie about something and there is no way out, I simply smile, it would convey the other person that what I meant.

So, as life is a mix of happiness and sadness, good days and bad days. So is the truth and lies part of our lives.

Now, this is for you…how about if all the politicians start to speak only truth?



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